|| Conversion ||

We appreciate the importance of your business and also the essentials for its growth. Our highly experienced Core Professional team can recognize and identify the long-term requirements of your business. The team can advise you the best form of business entity, which will be most effective in the long run and will facilitate in taking care of all the necessary formalities pertaining to the same. The most prevailing conversion of business is pertaining to Limited Companies. Companies Act. 2013, permits conversion of Private Limited Companies into Public Limited Companies and vice-versa.

Listed Public Limited Companies can also be converted into Private Limited Companies only upon delisting of its shares from the Stock Exchange.

Certain other types of conversion include conversion of Private Company to LLP, conversion of Partnership Firms to LLP/Company etc.

For further queries Contact us on info@companywala.com

Disclaimer: The materials provided herein are solely for information purposes and shall not be treated as solicitation in any manner and for any other purpose whatsoever. It shall not be used as legal opinion and not to be used for rendering any professional advice. The material s written on the basis of the provision applicable as on date of writing of this article.